Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Thank you, Columbo's!

We are very thankful to Columbo's Floors to Go for donating a new rug to us. Our old rug needed to be one foot wider in order to fit our entire class on it. Now we all fit! Columbo's donates rugs for free to schools. We wrote them messages to thank them. Enjoy our writing!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas!

We had such a wonderful party this morning! Thank you to all of the parents and relatives that were able to join us, donated items, and to Katie Terpstra for organizing it all. There surely is a lot of energy in 1st grade this week!
Enjoy these pictures!

Friday, December 16, 2016

December Update

I realize it has been a while since I have had a formal update on the blog. My apologies for this. While it is no excuse, the stretch between Thanksgiving and Christmas sure does fly! This post should cover what we have been up to lately, as well as what is coming up.

Spirit Days: 
  • Monday, December 19: Winter Wonderland Spirit Day (wear anything that reminds you of winter: snowflakes, snowmen, winter sports, silver, white and light blue, etc.)
  • Tuesday, December 20: Festive Holiday Spirit Day (wear anything Christmasy, red and green, Christmas socks, shirts, etc. The more festive the better!)
  • Wednesday, December 21: Christmas Morning -wear pajamas to school (no slippers and be sure to pack plenty of warm gear for outside). 

Other Important Dates: 
  • Tuesday, December 20: 9:00am - Christmas Party, adults welcome to join us! 
  • Thursday, December 22 - Monday, January 2: Winter Break
  • Tuesday, January 3 - Friday, January 6: Mrs. Bradley Subs 
  • Friday, January 13: Early Release Day
  • Friday, February 3: Early Release Day
  • Monday, February 6: No School, Mid-Winter Break

News and Notes:
  • January 3-6: My family will be traveling for two weeks over the winter break, and beyond. We will first head to Washington DC, then we will be going on a Disney Cruise. We booked the vacation before Hudsonville released their calendar. My children are off of school the first week of January, so we decided to go then. The trip was already booked when the calendar was released. As a result, I will not be here the first week back in January. The class knows about this. They've had fun sharing in my excitement! I am thrilled to have an amazing sub that week - Melissa Bradley. Melissa has subbed for me for years, and is one of the best around. She knows the curriculum well, knows my style, and has subbed for my already this year. I will have limited, if any, access to my email that week. If you need anything, please email Mrs. Opple if it is about pickups, and Mrs. Bradley if it is specific to the classroom. Her email is: While things are different when there is a substitute, I feel such peace knowing she will be here with our kiddos. If you have any questions, please let me know. 
  • Snow: Winter is in full swing! Thank you for sending your child with appropriate gear each day. It sometimes can be hard to remember to put shoes in backpacks, especially on Mondays after they have been used over the weekend. If you would like your child to leave his/her shoes at school rather than transporting back and forth, that is not a problem!
  • If you have not labeled all of your child's items yet, please do so this weekend. We have lost a few items already!
  • Reading: We will be wrapping up our unit study of characters next week. After the break we will dive into non-fiction. This is always a fun unit for students! Continue to have your child read with kidsa-z over break if possible. Your child will bring home several WEB books next Wednesday. These should be read at different times throughout break. If your child reads on kidsa-z, feel free to mark that day on his/her calendar as well. Next Wednesday I hope to add the January to books bags so that your child has both for break. 
  • Writing: We have been busy writing opinion letters about changes we think need to occur. Students are learning the parts of a letter, how to write an opinion, how to state reasons for their opinion, and how to give a solution. This unit will continue after break. We will then move into writing "how to" stories.
  • Math: Unit 4 began this week. We are studying place value and learning about tens and ones. Continue to practice xtramath at home! This is a great, easy way to practice over break!
  • Social Studies: We are wrapping up our economics unit next week. So far we have learned about needs and wants (Christmas makes a great time to study this!), goods and services, producers and consumers, and scarcity. We will begin a history unit after break.
  • Whiteboard Practice: This week we learned about 5 different ways that the /a/ sound (like in day) is made - ai, a, ay, eigh, ey. Have your child write these headings on the top of their board. Then have them read a page from their WEB book (or any book). If they notice a word with the /a/ sound, have them record it in the correct column. If it does not fit in any of the columns, like in the word break, write it on the bottom. This is the /a/ sound, not the letter a. The word have, for example, should not be recording because it does not make that sound. Your child practiced this in reading workshop this week, so it should be familiar to them. They could follow up by writing a sentence with one of the words, remembering to say as they write!
  • Finally, I just have to add - your kids are blowing me away!! I hope you take some time over break to really look at the growth your child is making in 1st grade. As readers, writers, mathematicians, you name it! I am so proud of this group!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

1st Grade Update

We have enjoyed the amazing weather we have had this week. It is hard to believe we had a snow day 2 years ago today! If it does snow tomorrow, stop and take a moment to truly look at the joy in your child's face when he/she sees the first snowflake. The first time of the season that it snows it seems that kids are usually at school. I am not a fan of snow by any means, but I always love the first snow at school! It is truly a magical moment to watch your child experience!

Coming up: 
  • Box Tops - Please continue to send your box tops in each day! 
  • November 23-25 - Thanksgiving Break
  • November 29 - Christmas Program - 6:45pm arrival
  • December 2 - Early Release Day
  • December 20 - Christmas Party - 9am
  • December 21 - Last Day of School Before Break
  • December 22 - January 2 - Winter Break

Reading: We began a new unit in reading focusing on characters. As your child is reading at home, if it is a book with characters in it, have your child explain what they notice about the character(s) in the book. We finished James and the Giant Peach and began our next book, Charlotte's Web. 

Writing: We moved into our new writing unit - opinion writing. We will be working in this unit to write letters to others thinking of a problems, stating reasons for the problems, and a solution. See the game below that you can play to help with stating reasons. 

Math: We have been busy working our way through story problems. This week we moved from unknown partner story problems into subtraction. Today we started solving mixed addition and subtraction problems. Have your child practice writing and solving some story problems on their whiteboard at home!

Game - What do you prefer?:Students learned a little "game" this week that you can easily use at dinner, while driving in the car, etc. to practice giving an opinion and reasons. 
You will ask your child, "What do you prefer - ____ or _____?" (For example, summer or winter).
Your child then answers, "I prefer ____ because _____." 
Your entire family will be able to join into this game. As your child becomes more skilled in answering, have them supply two or three reasons instead of just one. Your child could also write their answer out on their white boards. 

There will not be a newsletter next week with our short week. I would like to take a moment to share my thanks and gratitude to all of you for being such incredible families to work with. I appreciate your partnership and dedication to your child's success!

I also would like to give an extra thank you to the many volunteers that have been instrumental in our classroom. Between math workshop volunteers, computer lab, reading fluency practice, copies, sorting and filing, and so much more, I could not imagine this year without every one of you! Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Spirit Day Success!

Many of you asked last night if I was crazy adding in pajama day on top of crazy hair day, popcorn day, and book fair preview. Yes, it was a bit of a crazy idea, but...what an incredible day we had! Believe it or not, they were the best they have been all week. Everyone worked hard today, and we had an awesome day. Such a perfect way to end our week!

Thank you to everyone for making the time to attend conferences this week. I truly value our time together, and love celebrating each child's successes. It was so much fun to look at their growth together. Thank you for being such a great, supportive group of parents to work with. You have been outstanding!

We previewed the book fair today. Students wrote down book titles they are interested in purchasing. On Monday at 9:30am we will shop at the book fair. If your child will be shopping, please send in money in an envelope, LABELED WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME. Thank you!

There is a box tops classroom competition starting next week. Please send your box tops in! Each class will be collecting them, working toward a class reward. We would LOVE to win this one. What a great, easy way to raise money for our school!

Coming Up:

  • November 14: Book Fair Shopping Day
  • November 23-25 - Thanksgiving Break
  • November 29 - Christmas Program
  • December 2 - Early Release Day
  • December 20 - Christmas Party - 9am
  • December 21 - Last Day of School Before Break
  • December 22 - January 2 - Winter Break
And with that, I am going to call it a day. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Enjoy celebrating your child's accomplishments with them. Just think - we are only 10 weeks in! So much more learning to do in 1st grade. It is truly exciting!

Friday, November 4, 2016

First Grade News

I hope those of you that had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with your children enjoyed it. The sunshine looks lovely!
I truly look forward to seeing all of you at conferences. The time goes quickly, but I value it immensely. Thank you for making the time to be here. I will be setting your family pictures out for you to take home. Thank you for sharing them with us!

Coming Up:
Star Student: Sophia Gates
Monday, November 7: Report Cards go home
Wednesday and Thursday, November 9-10: Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you need a reminder of your time, please let me know.
Friday, November 11: Book Fair Preview
Monday, November 14: Book Fair Shopping Day
November 23-25: Thanksgiving Break, No School

Report Cards: These will be going home in folders on Monday. Please keep in mind this is a standards based report card. Some items are left blank due to not covering or assessing those standards yet. By the end of the year those items will be marked. Some areas are marked now and will be marked again in later trimesters. These scores may fluctuate. A score of a 2 is not uncommon, especially in November. The goal is 3 by the end of the year.

Pick Ups: If your child has a change of transportation home, please try to contact the office that day. If I have a sub, or if I have a meeting during my planning time, there is a chance I may not see the email before the end of the day. A note in your child's folder (as long as they know it is there so they remember to pull it out) should also work.

WEB Books: We have completed our first month with WEB books. Many students have changed levels in the past week or two, or will change in the coming week. Please only mark the calendar on nights when your child has read. Several students had calendars filled for everyday, even though the child did not read their WEB books each night. Children notice these things, and I would rather we are honest with them. It is an important life lesson they will pick up on.

Kids A-Z: Every Monday I am sent an email of which kids have logged into kids a-z in the past week. It gives me updates too as to how many stories are read, quizzes are taken, etc. I am thrilled with the amount of reading our class is doing! More practice definitely equals more reading growth. It has been exciting to see some students take off. If your child ever forgets his/her WEB book at school, this is a great alternative. I will be adjusting some levels for students next week.

Whiteboard TipThis week's tip is more of a reading skill than a writing skill. But it's also a very important one for the students to be doing. As readers our words can get pretty long and tricky. While saying each sound and blending them together is important, it is only the groundwork for a much more efficient skill. When we read multi-syllable words, we split up the word by "mouthfuls." Mouthfuls are actually syllables, but it's easier for the kiddos to remember. ;) When a large word is broken up into mouthfuls, it's easier for a reader to tackle one part at a time. (see picture below). 
Our process for teaching this reading is to say the sounds in the first mouthful, sound by sound (putting a dot under each one letter sound and a dash under each 2+ letter sound). Then we blend that first part together. Next, we move on to the next mouthful, saying each of those sounds and blending it together. Finally we go back and thread both mouthfuls together and say the word. This process can be done with any multi-syllable word- see if you can think of words your child has some interest in. Write that word on the left side of the whiteboard. On the right side, split it up by mouthfuls and then have your child go through those sounds with you. 

First Grade News

I hope those of you that had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with your children enjoyed it. The sunshine looks lovely!
I truly look forward to seeing all of you at conferences. The time goes quickly, but I value it immensely. Thank you for making the time to be here. I will be setting your family pictures out for you to take home. Thank you for sharing them with us!

Coming Up:
Star Student: Sophia Gates
Monday, November 7: Report Cards go home
Wednesday and Thursday, November 9-10: Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you need a reminder of your time, please let me know.
Friday, November 11: Book Fair Preview
Monday, November 14: Book Fair Shopping Day
November 23-25: Thanksgiving Break, No School

Report Cards: These will be going home in folders on Monday. Please keep in mind this is a standards based report card. Some items are left blank due to not covering or assessing those standards yet. By the end of the year those items will be marked. Some areas are marked now and will be marked again in later trimesters. These scores may fluctuate. A score of a 2 is not uncommon, especially in November. The goal is 3 by the end of the year.

WEB Books: We have completed our first month with WEB books. Many students have changed levels in the past week or two, or will change in the coming week. Please only mark the calendar on nights when your child has read. Several students had calendars filled for everyday, even though the child did not read their WEB books each night. Children notice these things, and I would rather we are honest with them. It is an important life lesson they will pick up on.

Kids A-Z: Every Monday I am sent an email of which kids have logged into kids a-z in the past week. It gives me updates too as to how many stories are read, quizzes are taken, etc. I am thrilled with the amount of reading our class is doing! More practice definitely equals more reading growth. It has been exciting to see some students take off. If your child ever forgets his/her WEB book at school, this is a great alternative. I will be adjusting some levels for students next week.

Whiteboard TipThis week's tip is more of a reading skill than a writing skill. But it's also a very important one for the students to be doing. As readers our words can get pretty long and tricky. While saying each sound and blending them together is important, it is only the groundwork for a much more efficient skill. When we read multi-syllable words, we split up the word by "mouthfuls." Mouthfuls are actually syllables, but it's easier for the kiddos to remember. ;) When a large word is broken up into mouthfuls, it's easier for a reader to tackle one part at a time. (see picture below). 
Our process for teaching this reading is to say the sounds in the first mouthful, sound by sound (putting a dot under each one letter sound and a dash under each 2+ letter sound). Then we blend that first part together. Next, we move on to the next mouthful, saying each of those sounds and blending it together. Finally we go back and thread both mouthfuls together and say the word. This process can be done with any multi-syllable word- see if you can think of words your child has some interest in. Write that word on the left side of the whiteboard. On the right side, split it up by mouthfuls and then have your child go through those sounds with you. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Fun!

What a wonderful way to start our day! It worked our great on our end to have our party first. Coming in costume really helped to start our day on the right foot. I hope it worked out well for all of you also. The party ran incredibly smoothly today. Students were engaged at every station, and we had many helping hands. Thank you to everyone who donated supplies for the party, as well as those that donated their time to help today. A big thank you to Katie Terpstra for organizing the party as well. Please feel free to share any feedback you have in regards to having the party first thing this morning. For those trick-or-treating tonight, have fun! I heard on the news this morning that the past four Halloweens have had rain or snow. What a beautiful night ahead! Enjoy the pictures below.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weekly Update

What an amazing fall weekend! I hope you were able to get outside to enjoy it. Please see a few quick updates below:

Coming up:
  • Star Student: Logan Dirkse
  • Monday, 10/24 - Friday, 10/28: MSU vs. UofM Coin War. Please send in your loose change!
  • Friday, October 28: U of M school spirit day. Oops, I mean U of M or MSU school spirit day! :) 
  • Monday, October 31: Halloween Party at 9am
  • Friday, November 4: Early Release Day
  • Wednesday and Thursday, November 9-10: Parent/Teacher Conferences (be sure to return your confirmation slip ASAP)

What we have been working on:
  • Reading: We started our work with reading partners last week. We also worked on comparing two books, incorporating our vocabulary word, and searched for words that make the /o/ sound as in boat, rode, and tow and recorded them in our reader's notebooks. 
  • Writing: Last week we continued work on our small moment stories. I am amazed by the work I am seeing! Continue to encourage your child to "say as they write" anytime they are writing at home. Their practice is paying off.  This coming week we will wrap up our first story, move onto a new story, and work on adding details to sentences. 
  • Math: We will be wrapping up unit 2 this coming week. We are projected to take our unit 2 test this Friday. Your child will bring home their unit 2 review on Thursday. Please plan to spend some time reviewing and practicing some of the problems Thursday evening. Whiteboards are a great way to do this. 
  • Science: We wrapped up our study of matter this week. Your child may have asked to become a scientist at home by exploring magnets, or seeing if things sink or float!
  • Vocabulary: Or word of the week was compare, to find likeness in two or more things. 
  • WEB Books: I hope this has been a successful experience for your child. Continue to have your child read each night, and return and select a new book daily. We have a few students who need to become more regular with this. I am in the process of assessing student levels for report cards. Some students may bump up a level, some may bump up several levels. Students are usually quite excited when they do, so I am sure they will let you know! 
  • Whiteboard Practice: To extend our practice reading and writing words with the /o/ sound, we discussed the concept of homophones this week. Homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and mean different things. We looked at the words rode and road. When we said the sounds in each word it was exactly the same, however when we started spelling it out it was different! To help us understand the meanings and to be sure we could remember the spellings,  we first put a dot under each 1-letter sound and a dash under each 2-letter sound. Then we drew a picture next to each word. To wrap up, we wrote a sentence trying to use both words in the correct context! (see picture) This would be a great activity to do at home with other homophones such as: ate/eight, be/bee, to/two, or any others! Be sure your child is saying those sounds out loud as they write each word in their sentence. Also be sure to correct handwriting and spelling errors! 
  • Halloween Reminder: Our party will be taking place first thing in the morning at 9am. Students are asked to wear their costumes to school that day. This should be over their clothes. Once the party is over, students will remove their costumes and place them in their backpacks. (Any parents in attendance may take costumes home.) Any questions, please let me know. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weekly Update

Last week absolutely flew by! Here is a quick update:

Coming up:
  • Star Student: Hannah Blaskowski
  • Monday, October 31: Halloween Party at 9am
  • Friday, November 4: Early Release Day
  • Wednesday and Thursday, November 9-10: Parent/Teacher Conferences

  • Halloween Information: Our party will be taking place first thing in the morning at 9am. Students are asked to wear their costumes to school that day. This should be over their clothes. Once the party is over, students will remove their costumes and place them in their backpacks. (Any parents in attendance may take costumes home.) Any questions, please let me know. 
  • Library Books: We had many students not return library books this past week. Please be sure to have your child return library books each week. Our library day is Thursday. 
  • Vocabulary: Our word this past week was RETELL. Have your child practice retelling their WEB book to you this week. 
  • Reading Workshop: Going along with our vocabulary word of the week, we practiced retelling our books this week. We also practiced using our reading finger, and sliding our finger while reading. 
  • Writing Workshop: We selected topics for a small moment story. We made a plan across pages for our story, and wrote our first two pages. 
  • Math Workshop: We practiced the addition strategy of counting on last week, and we began learning subtraction strategies. 
  • Science: We started our science unit "Properties of Matter." We have learned about attributes, sink and float, and started exploring magnets. 
  • Whiteboard Practice Idea: This week we learned about 4 different spelling for the /k/ sound: c   k   ck   ke
Here is an activity you two can do together!
Have your child say and write these four spellings for this sound on the top of their board.

Have your child go on a hunt for the /k/ sound around the house. When they find something, have them say as they write the word in the middle of their boards. You will stop them to error correct any misspellings that occur.
Then ask your child to either dot or dash the letter(s) that make the /k/ sound. Ask them what column it belongs in. Erase the word, and have them say as they write the word in the correct column. Remember to stop and correct them if any errors are made.

Friday, October 7, 2016

We've got spirit!

Between maize and blue day, popcorn, and the pep assembly this morning, I am sure you can imagine the excitement and energy that is in 1st grade today!

Thank you to everyone for sending in your $3 donation to our class parties for the year. If you have not sent your money in yet, please next week.

We have had several water bottles coming in that are not spill proof. If your child has to unscrew a lid to drink it, or if water can spill when the lid is off, please leave the bottle at home. Thank you for your understanding with this!

Coming up:
  • Star Student: Mitch Behler
  • Friday, October 14: Early Release Day
  • Monday, October 31: Halloween Part 9:00am
Here's a quick update on what we have been up to in 1st grade:

  • Reading Workshop: We have been using our Reader's Notebooks to record sound that begin with the /w/ sound, spelling /w/ and /wh/. We also practiced using and sliding our reading finger when reading. Ask your child to show you their reading finger and ask why we use it. Then have them use it while reading their WEB books! I hope the first week os WEB books has gone well for all of you. We have been reading James and the Giant Peach as a class. They are loving this book so far. Ask your child to retell what we have read so far. 
  • Writing Workshop: We wrote a class story this week about the Walk-a-thon. We will select our own topics to write about next week. 
  • Vocabulary: Our word of the week was IDENTIFY. Ask your child what this word means. Try to use it in conversation at home!
  • Math: We had our first full week of math workshop this week. We learned the strategy of "counting on" to solve addition equations. Thank you to all of the parents that have volunteered to help during math workshop. So far it has been incredibly beneficial! 
  • Science: Coming up next week we will begin studying matter with our first science unit. 
  • Whiteboard Practice Idea: We have been focusing on the two ways to spell the sound /w/. On our whiteboards, we have identified those two ways as "w" and "wh." Set up the whiteboard with both of these spellings. (*see picture) With your child, go on a word hunt through their WEB books or books from home to find words that will fit under each heading. Be sure your child is saying the sounds as they write each word! Discuss the patterns they notice (a big one is that "wh" is most commonly found at the beginning of a word). 
  • Reminder: Don't forget to encourage appropriate handwriting! They should be starting their letters from the TOP and moving down. If they make a mistake, they need to correct it right away. Any time a reversal is done, please erase and have them write it again. You can model the appropriate letter formation for them first and then have them try it! 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 30, 2016

First Grade Happenings

Thank you to all of the parents that were able to come to our 1st Grade Literacy Night. The feedback we received indicated it was a helpful evening of learning. I have loved hearing students coming in each morning sharing ways they have used their whiteboards at home. Thank you for encouraging this. It is obvious that we have a class full of families dedicated to their child's success!
For those of you that were unable to attend, I would be happy to set up a time to meet with you to go over the information and give you a whiteboard bundle for your child. 

Your child is bringing home their Data Notebook for the first time today. This is where assessments are housed for the year. It will coming home about every two-three weeks, as long as their are new documents inside. Please note the writing assessment is a pre-assessment. This is to have a before and after comparison. Be sure to place the notebook right back in your child's backpack, and return it to school on Monday. 

Also, there is a Christmas coloring picture in your child's folder. This is a coloring contest to advertise for the parade. If your child would like to participate in the contest, please have him/her return the picture by next week Friday. The city will collect these from us. 

Coming Up: 
  • Star Student: Myles Beach
  • Friday, October 7: Maize and Blue Day and Popcorn Day
  • Friday, October 14: District Early Release Day
  • Monday, October 31: Halloween Party, 9-9:45am
Halloween Party: Please note that our party will take place October 31st, 9-9:45am. Bauer is dividing up grade levels to morning and afternoon parties to help with parking lot crowding. By having our party first thing, your child will be able to put their costume on over their clothes before school and wear their costume to school (costumes will come off at the end of the party). This should help make it easier here at school for students to be ready (and I know many parents will love taking pictures of their children in costumes before school!). Katie Terpstra is asking for each family to donate $3 to cover party expenses for the year - that is only $1 per party! Please send your money to school this next week if possible. Many thanks to Katie for her help in planning, and to all of you that have already volunteered to help! 

Reading: We finished up reading The Chocolate Touch this week, and began a new book: James and the Giant Peach. I chose this book because Jenison High School will be performing this play, and I thought that would be a great connection for families that choose to attend the show. 
In reading workshop this week we talked about thinking of what words might be in the book before we begin reading, as well as making a movie in our mind while we read. We also looked for words with /ch/ and /tch/ in our books and recorded them in our reader's notebooks. 

Writing: We started a whole class story about the walk-a-thon. We thought of a plan for our story using 5-fingers (first, next, then, after that, finally), then we drew our pictures across our 5 pages, and now we have started writing our story. We will continue writing it next week. 

Vocabulary: Our word this week is describe. Ask your child what this word means. They can even sing the song for you! It is also on the Bauer Elementary blog. We learned about this word this week by describing a lemon. We also drew a lemon and wrote words to describe it. We also played a guessing game where someone describes something, and the others have to guess what the item is (for example: "I am thinking of an animal. It has 4 legs. It lives on a farm. It likes mud. What animal did I describe?" This is a game you could play at home too. 

Math: We wrapped up Unit 1 and spent the week getting ready to begin Math Workshop with Unit 2 - addition and subtraction strategies. We will have 3 groups that rotate during math time - one group meets with me, one group works in their math journal, one group plays math games. It is a nice way to move students at their pace in math, and it allows me to work more closely with students. This week we learned and practiced the routines for workshop. We also learned how to play the games that will be played during Unit 2. Today was our first lesson in our new unit. 

Whiteboard Practice Idea:
I have heard a lot of excitement from students who have been using their whiteboards for writing at home. Thank you for encouraging this! 
Here are two things you can have your child try at home using their whiteboard. 
1. Have them first tell you how many sounds (not letters) are in his/her name. They can use their fingers as they stretch it out. Then have them write their name. Have them place a dot under one letter spellings for sounds, and a dash under 2-4 letter spellings. Ask them if their prediction matched the actual number after it was written. Repeat for other family member's names. See photo for how this would look. 

2. This week we have done two different sorts on our white boards. These both make the same sound, but they have a different spelling: /w/ and /wh/ was the first, and /ch/ and /tch/ was the second. Pick one of these pairs of sounds. Have your child write them on top of their board. Then while they are reading a book, they can record any works they come across with those spelling patterns in their story. Don't forget to remind your child to "say as you write"!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

First Grade Happenings

It is kind of hard to believe that we have been together in 1st grade for only 14 school days. I feel like we have already connected as a class, and are rolling right along. This is a really fun group. They've definitely captured my heart already! 
Be sure to check out our Walk-a-thon pictures on the blog. 
Thank you for your work with returning library books by Thursday. We were the only class to have all of our books returned on time. Good work!

Coming up:
  • Star Student: Nora Schreur
  • Monday, September 26: 1st Grade Literacy Night - 6:30pm
  • Friday, October 14: Early Release Day
Here's what we have been up to in 1st grade:
  • Reading: We are falling into a grove with reading workshop. I was able to wrap up assessments this past week. Students will be selecting new books this week. We have been reading the book, "Chocolate Touch" during our read aloud time. This is such a fun book to start the year with. Ask your child to tell you what is wrong with John Midas. We will be wrapping up the book this week. 
  • Vocabulary: Starting this week, our school will be learning a vocabulary word each week. We will be studying this word together. Our word for the upcoming week is: describe. As the week goes on, ask your child what this word means, and look for opportunities to point out the use of the word in real life situations. 
  • Writing: We have been learning about small moment topics, how to plan a story, and how to draw "ish" pictures when we write (ask your child what those are!). We are also working on various strategies such as "say as you write". Be sure to come to the 1st Grade Literacy Night on Monday to hear more!
  • Math: We will be wrapping up our first math unit this week with our test on Monday. We will begin unit 2, addition and subtraction strategies, later this week. 
  • Social Studies: We wrapped up our citizenship unit this past week. We will spend some time on leadership/7 habits lessons for the next two weeks, then dive into science. 
  • Behavior Calendars: The purpose of sending these calendars home is to make you aware of where your child is landing on our clip chart. It sounds like overall this has been a helpful tool for parents. Please remember that GREEN is the average. Please do not expect to have your child above this color. That is just a bonus. 
  • Volunteers: For those of you interested in volunteering, I have not forgotten about you! It takes some time to let the dust settle as the year begins. I will be contacting you this week with some possible times and opportunities. Thank you!
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Not only is this a great group of kids, I can already tell what a great group of parents you all will be to partner with this year. Here's to a great week 4!


Friday turned out to be an absolutely perfect day for our walk-a-thon! The weather was perfect, students were eager and excited to walk and run, and we had a great group of parents volunteering to make the event a success! Thank you for supporting your child and our school.

Friday, September 16, 2016

1st Grade News 9/16/16

A few quick updates:

Coming up:
  • Monday, September 19: Book Orders Due
  • Wednesday, September 21: Picture Day and RSVP for 1st Grade Literacy Night is due -
  • Friday, September 23: Walk-a-thon
  • Monday, September 26, 6:30-7:30pm: 1st Grade Literacy Night 

We have really quickly gotten into a routine. The nice temperatures this week really helped us to focus on learning. A welcomed relief! We also had our first early release day today. We have a few kinks to work out, but overall things were fairly smooth. 
We began reading workshop this week and have been busy reading in our book boxes. We are working our way through our first math unit - partners of 10. In this unit we are learning number partners for numbers through 10. 
Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Red, White and Blue Day!

There was an announcement right at the end of the day stating that tomorrow is red, white and blue day. Have your child wear our country's colors tomorrow (Friday)! 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Newsletter 9-11-16

What a great first week we had! Despite the crazy hot temperatures, we were able to settle into 1st grade. We enjoyed getting to know each other, as well as the routines of our classroom. I can tell this is an awesome group of kids, and we have an amazing year ahead!

Coming up:

  • Friday, September 16: Early Release Day
  • Monday, September 19: Book Orders Due
  • Wednesday, September 21: Picture Day
  • Friday, September 23: Walk-a-thon

Book Orders: Forms went home in a red folder this week. Some of you already submitted orders. You will have until September 19 to turn them in. Be sure to take advantage of the free book pick coupon that was in the folder. If you misplaced your coupon, please let me know. I have a few extras.

Dismissal: We have been working hard to get our new dismissal routine down with the change in our pick up procedure. Thank you for being patient with us! It takes time to get all of our pick ups to the correct parent/guardian. It may be easiest to send your child on the bus when it is possible to help with the congestion as we are all getting the routine established.

Thank you! Thank you to every for sending in supplies for your child and for our classroom! I understand how expensive back to school can get. It is appreciated. We have a few students that still need to send in a family picture, headphones, and the forms from the file folder at open house. Please do so this week. A few ongoing donations that I am happy to take throughout the year include: honey graham crackers, pencils, slider sandwich bags (Aldi is a good place for these), and bandaids. We also could use 2 more Norwex Envirocloths if anyone has a Norwex connection. Thanks!

Old Socks: Do you have any socks sitting around without a mate? We could use those as erasers in our classroom. Please send any socks that you may not need, single or matched, and we will put them to good use!

Picture Day Forms: These went home Friday, however pictures are not until September 21. If you are like me and are worried about misplacing it, please feel free to send it back in right away. I will tuck them away until picture day.

Homework Update: Homework will be looking different this year. There will only be math homework if your child has not completed work in class. The only homework your child will have is reading. In a few weeks your child will bring home a book every night to read. That is the only official homework! It is my hope that you will instead use the time you would have spent on math homework exploring, creating, reading, and making memories with your child. Any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Here's to a great week two!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Welcome to 1st Grade!

Dear New 1st Grade Families,

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! I am thrilled to be your child's teacher, and look forward to being your partner in educating your child this school year. Please be sure to check out the "All About Mrs. Mueller" tab above to learn more about me and my family. Be sure to subscribe to this blog as well to receive email notification on blog updates. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Enjoy your summer, be sure to read to your child often, make lots of memories, and I look forward to seeing you in August!

For your children,
Holly R. Mueller (pronounced Miller)

Happy First Week of Summer!

Dear "2nd grade" families,
I hope your summer is off to a great start! I have loved seeing the few students I have already run into. It sure does brighten my day!

You will want to head to your settings and unsubscribe from my class blog (unless I am lucky enough to have your child next year, or you still want emails from me :)

I wanted to share here some of the suggestions I emailed out the last week of school, please a big one I forget to include:
1. Have your child email me! I promise to write back within a day or two. This is great writing practice, and typing practice. They can either type the letter out, or handwrite it, and you can send a picture of their letter to me. 

2. Raz Kids is available all summer. - hmueller1 is the password.

3. and are also good websites to practice math with. **I did go on this week and added subtraction for everyone on xtramath. Once they pass addition, they will move on to subtraction.  

4. And don't forget to read TO your child! While it is important for them to read themselves, they LOVE being read to (trust me - I did it every day. My absolutely favorite time of our day!). Picture books or chapter books will work. 

Finally, make LOTS of memories. I miss your kiddos already! Please give them big hugs for me. I will look forward to emails from them!

For your children,