Friday, September 30, 2016

First Grade Happenings

Thank you to all of the parents that were able to come to our 1st Grade Literacy Night. The feedback we received indicated it was a helpful evening of learning. I have loved hearing students coming in each morning sharing ways they have used their whiteboards at home. Thank you for encouraging this. It is obvious that we have a class full of families dedicated to their child's success!
For those of you that were unable to attend, I would be happy to set up a time to meet with you to go over the information and give you a whiteboard bundle for your child. 

Your child is bringing home their Data Notebook for the first time today. This is where assessments are housed for the year. It will coming home about every two-three weeks, as long as their are new documents inside. Please note the writing assessment is a pre-assessment. This is to have a before and after comparison. Be sure to place the notebook right back in your child's backpack, and return it to school on Monday. 

Also, there is a Christmas coloring picture in your child's folder. This is a coloring contest to advertise for the parade. If your child would like to participate in the contest, please have him/her return the picture by next week Friday. The city will collect these from us. 

Coming Up: 
  • Star Student: Myles Beach
  • Friday, October 7: Maize and Blue Day and Popcorn Day
  • Friday, October 14: District Early Release Day
  • Monday, October 31: Halloween Party, 9-9:45am
Halloween Party: Please note that our party will take place October 31st, 9-9:45am. Bauer is dividing up grade levels to morning and afternoon parties to help with parking lot crowding. By having our party first thing, your child will be able to put their costume on over their clothes before school and wear their costume to school (costumes will come off at the end of the party). This should help make it easier here at school for students to be ready (and I know many parents will love taking pictures of their children in costumes before school!). Katie Terpstra is asking for each family to donate $3 to cover party expenses for the year - that is only $1 per party! Please send your money to school this next week if possible. Many thanks to Katie for her help in planning, and to all of you that have already volunteered to help! 

Reading: We finished up reading The Chocolate Touch this week, and began a new book: James and the Giant Peach. I chose this book because Jenison High School will be performing this play, and I thought that would be a great connection for families that choose to attend the show. 
In reading workshop this week we talked about thinking of what words might be in the book before we begin reading, as well as making a movie in our mind while we read. We also looked for words with /ch/ and /tch/ in our books and recorded them in our reader's notebooks. 

Writing: We started a whole class story about the walk-a-thon. We thought of a plan for our story using 5-fingers (first, next, then, after that, finally), then we drew our pictures across our 5 pages, and now we have started writing our story. We will continue writing it next week. 

Vocabulary: Our word this week is describe. Ask your child what this word means. They can even sing the song for you! It is also on the Bauer Elementary blog. We learned about this word this week by describing a lemon. We also drew a lemon and wrote words to describe it. We also played a guessing game where someone describes something, and the others have to guess what the item is (for example: "I am thinking of an animal. It has 4 legs. It lives on a farm. It likes mud. What animal did I describe?" This is a game you could play at home too. 

Math: We wrapped up Unit 1 and spent the week getting ready to begin Math Workshop with Unit 2 - addition and subtraction strategies. We will have 3 groups that rotate during math time - one group meets with me, one group works in their math journal, one group plays math games. It is a nice way to move students at their pace in math, and it allows me to work more closely with students. This week we learned and practiced the routines for workshop. We also learned how to play the games that will be played during Unit 2. Today was our first lesson in our new unit. 

Whiteboard Practice Idea:
I have heard a lot of excitement from students who have been using their whiteboards for writing at home. Thank you for encouraging this! 
Here are two things you can have your child try at home using their whiteboard. 
1. Have them first tell you how many sounds (not letters) are in his/her name. They can use their fingers as they stretch it out. Then have them write their name. Have them place a dot under one letter spellings for sounds, and a dash under 2-4 letter spellings. Ask them if their prediction matched the actual number after it was written. Repeat for other family member's names. See photo for how this would look. 

2. This week we have done two different sorts on our white boards. These both make the same sound, but they have a different spelling: /w/ and /wh/ was the first, and /ch/ and /tch/ was the second. Pick one of these pairs of sounds. Have your child write them on top of their board. Then while they are reading a book, they can record any works they come across with those spelling patterns in their story. Don't forget to remind your child to "say as you write"!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

First Grade Happenings

It is kind of hard to believe that we have been together in 1st grade for only 14 school days. I feel like we have already connected as a class, and are rolling right along. This is a really fun group. They've definitely captured my heart already! 
Be sure to check out our Walk-a-thon pictures on the blog. 
Thank you for your work with returning library books by Thursday. We were the only class to have all of our books returned on time. Good work!

Coming up:
  • Star Student: Nora Schreur
  • Monday, September 26: 1st Grade Literacy Night - 6:30pm
  • Friday, October 14: Early Release Day
Here's what we have been up to in 1st grade:
  • Reading: We are falling into a grove with reading workshop. I was able to wrap up assessments this past week. Students will be selecting new books this week. We have been reading the book, "Chocolate Touch" during our read aloud time. This is such a fun book to start the year with. Ask your child to tell you what is wrong with John Midas. We will be wrapping up the book this week. 
  • Vocabulary: Starting this week, our school will be learning a vocabulary word each week. We will be studying this word together. Our word for the upcoming week is: describe. As the week goes on, ask your child what this word means, and look for opportunities to point out the use of the word in real life situations. 
  • Writing: We have been learning about small moment topics, how to plan a story, and how to draw "ish" pictures when we write (ask your child what those are!). We are also working on various strategies such as "say as you write". Be sure to come to the 1st Grade Literacy Night on Monday to hear more!
  • Math: We will be wrapping up our first math unit this week with our test on Monday. We will begin unit 2, addition and subtraction strategies, later this week. 
  • Social Studies: We wrapped up our citizenship unit this past week. We will spend some time on leadership/7 habits lessons for the next two weeks, then dive into science. 
  • Behavior Calendars: The purpose of sending these calendars home is to make you aware of where your child is landing on our clip chart. It sounds like overall this has been a helpful tool for parents. Please remember that GREEN is the average. Please do not expect to have your child above this color. That is just a bonus. 
  • Volunteers: For those of you interested in volunteering, I have not forgotten about you! It takes some time to let the dust settle as the year begins. I will be contacting you this week with some possible times and opportunities. Thank you!
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Not only is this a great group of kids, I can already tell what a great group of parents you all will be to partner with this year. Here's to a great week 4!


Friday turned out to be an absolutely perfect day for our walk-a-thon! The weather was perfect, students were eager and excited to walk and run, and we had a great group of parents volunteering to make the event a success! Thank you for supporting your child and our school.

Friday, September 16, 2016

1st Grade News 9/16/16

A few quick updates:

Coming up:
  • Monday, September 19: Book Orders Due
  • Wednesday, September 21: Picture Day and RSVP for 1st Grade Literacy Night is due -
  • Friday, September 23: Walk-a-thon
  • Monday, September 26, 6:30-7:30pm: 1st Grade Literacy Night 

We have really quickly gotten into a routine. The nice temperatures this week really helped us to focus on learning. A welcomed relief! We also had our first early release day today. We have a few kinks to work out, but overall things were fairly smooth. 
We began reading workshop this week and have been busy reading in our book boxes. We are working our way through our first math unit - partners of 10. In this unit we are learning number partners for numbers through 10. 
Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Red, White and Blue Day!

There was an announcement right at the end of the day stating that tomorrow is red, white and blue day. Have your child wear our country's colors tomorrow (Friday)! 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Newsletter 9-11-16

What a great first week we had! Despite the crazy hot temperatures, we were able to settle into 1st grade. We enjoyed getting to know each other, as well as the routines of our classroom. I can tell this is an awesome group of kids, and we have an amazing year ahead!

Coming up:

  • Friday, September 16: Early Release Day
  • Monday, September 19: Book Orders Due
  • Wednesday, September 21: Picture Day
  • Friday, September 23: Walk-a-thon

Book Orders: Forms went home in a red folder this week. Some of you already submitted orders. You will have until September 19 to turn them in. Be sure to take advantage of the free book pick coupon that was in the folder. If you misplaced your coupon, please let me know. I have a few extras.

Dismissal: We have been working hard to get our new dismissal routine down with the change in our pick up procedure. Thank you for being patient with us! It takes time to get all of our pick ups to the correct parent/guardian. It may be easiest to send your child on the bus when it is possible to help with the congestion as we are all getting the routine established.

Thank you! Thank you to every for sending in supplies for your child and for our classroom! I understand how expensive back to school can get. It is appreciated. We have a few students that still need to send in a family picture, headphones, and the forms from the file folder at open house. Please do so this week. A few ongoing donations that I am happy to take throughout the year include: honey graham crackers, pencils, slider sandwich bags (Aldi is a good place for these), and bandaids. We also could use 2 more Norwex Envirocloths if anyone has a Norwex connection. Thanks!

Old Socks: Do you have any socks sitting around without a mate? We could use those as erasers in our classroom. Please send any socks that you may not need, single or matched, and we will put them to good use!

Picture Day Forms: These went home Friday, however pictures are not until September 21. If you are like me and are worried about misplacing it, please feel free to send it back in right away. I will tuck them away until picture day.

Homework Update: Homework will be looking different this year. There will only be math homework if your child has not completed work in class. The only homework your child will have is reading. In a few weeks your child will bring home a book every night to read. That is the only official homework! It is my hope that you will instead use the time you would have spent on math homework exploring, creating, reading, and making memories with your child. Any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Here's to a great week two!