Friday, January 19, 2018

First Grade News

Happy Friday everyone! Here is a quick update:

Coming Up:
Friday, February 2: Early Release Day
Monday - Tuesday, February 5-6: No School, Mid-Winter Break 
Friday, February 9: Valentines Due
Wednesday, February 14: Valentine's Day Party at 9:00am

Valentine's Day: 
The class list went home in folders yesterday. It is a pink piece of paper. Please check your child's bag for this note. Please bring valentines to school no later than Friday, February 9

This week we focused on different text features in a non-fiction text. We learned about features that include: table of contents, index, glossary, diagram, label, map, and keywords. We also learned that there are many new words in nonfiction books, and that when we don't know what the word means, we can look in the glossary, or use other words in the text to determine the meaning. We finished the week practicing reading our nonfiction books in a teacher voice. When we read nonfiction books to others we are like teachers teaching facts. 
I have been thrilled with the number of students taking advantage of kidsa-z at home. Students are sharing their excitement over the books the are reading and the robots they are building as their incentives. Thank you for encouraging this at home. 

We have focused this week on facts vs. opinions. Have you had a chance to ask some "would you rather" questions? If not, your child would LOVE to try some of these with you!

This week we started adding a 2-digit number to a 1-digit number. We practiced different strategies for solving these equations. We continue to work toward being efficient in our work.

Social Studies:
This week we have been learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and the impact he made in our country. It is such a gift to be able to share the story of MLK with your children. I have loved hearing students that have shared the conversations they have had at home with your about this amazing man. 

Whiteboard Tip:
The novelty of having their own whiteboard at home may have worn off, but the value is still just as great. Students could use some accountability with making sure they are saying their sounds as they write - breaking up every single sound! Because I am not able to sit next to every child every time they write, some may be getting a bit lazy with saying their sounds. The difference in their writing when they "say as they write" is dramatic. Ask your child a simple question, such as: What is your favorite holiday and why? Or Where would you like to go on vacation and why? As they answer on their whiteboard (or a piece of paper if you have misplaced yours), sit next to them and hold them accountable to say every sound as they write it (the, for example, has two sounds, /th/ /e/). If there are any errors, stop them the instant the error is made, erase, and tell the correct spelling for the sound. Correct letter formation and handwriting as well. Thank you for your help! These kiddos are doing amazing things in reading and writing. It has been so much fun to watch their progress!

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